In Manukau Mr Riceman taught us about circuits and we had a Little light and a flat battery. One piece of card-board and some tinfoil and some tape we had 1 hour to make our designs we could decide if we wanted a partner or not. Here are some photos.
BP challenge
In Waitemata Mr R gave us 45 min to Mack a Bridge that cold hold a marble as far as possible. We had 2 long strips of tape and 4 strews and 1 mar ball 5 toothpicks and 3 ice block sticks and 1 cup heir are some photos.
We had a long piece of wood and we had to masher the bored then cut the wood with a hand sore and then we spas-id out dots and then we pot permanent marcher. we hammerer the nails in to the wood and then we pot rubier bands on the nails heir are some photos.